me is Not 18
Soooo, there's me. I'm a normal-ish, 30 year old mom, semi-new suburbanite, editor/writer—you know, same as you. Then there's ME: my totally rad alter ego (in my head), of whom I am so very fond. ME is 115 pounds, awesome haircut and color, cool—but not conspicious—clothes, swagger and witty retort. me. ME gets free drinks, doors held open and second glances. me kind of looks four months pregnant, so me still gets doors held open and second glances—but no free drinks.
Me. me. ME. 30. 18. 30. 18.
Soooo, there me is, doing her killer circuit with The Body, aka Lori Sawyer (, on some field next to a high school boys' baseball game warm-up. Me is killing the killer workout a la Pam Anderson in Baywatch (all smooth and graceful running, hair cascading in the wind, sun streaking on my skin) meets Heidi Klum post baby on Access Hollywood. What's up, boys? You all think I totally rock—I know it! Oh, but wait, that wasn't me, that was ME. me wasn't killing anything except herself in her mind for ever eating all those chocoalte bars, cheese doodles, mashed potatoes and pizza. me was red-faced, flailing and stumbling, gasping for breath, hair unwashed and held back by a stained headband, and squinting to avoid the sun getting in my eyes. There's actually a picture of this, but I have to work up to posting it.
Oh, me! Oh, ME!
ME and me agree that the workout rocked and I killed it me-style—which is just fine, thank you. me knows that ME will be back soon, but even better than before. Looks, metabolism, subsidation, lack of responsibility, and your whole life ahead of you aside, who really wants to be 18 again? I am going to be 30 with a vengeance. In fact, my 30 is going to be able to kick my 18's ass.
So much has changed in the short time since I started my Ultra Fit Challenge with Lori. I feel so much better; I look so much better. My family is eating better. I have so much more energy. I am excited, not daunted, by getting dressed.
me like-y.
I SO understand ME vs. me, except I think I believe ME is really me, if that makes any sense. Hats off to you for working towards making me into ME.
Me/me impressed.
Thanks, Chels!
me was ME, but somewhere I lost her. I think I lost her in the Holland Tunnel on moving day. ME didn't adjust too well to NJ, so me made the move. ME is now ready to live here.
I can't wait to meet ME and I'm looking forward to spending some time with ME!
Your site is on top of my favourites - Great work I like it.
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