Tuesday, October 03, 2006


I don't poop.



Sorry—I had to say it.

It's a problem that a lot of girls (or women or ladies or whatever the hell we are) have. It's not cool—not at all. You gots to poop, people. All disease starts in the colon. A healthy digestive track is a healthy person (that was last week's Mama Says Tip of the Week on www.thefamilygroove.com.)

Being regular is mucho importante. Think about all the—yes, I am going to say it—crap that's just stuck inside your poor colon. All those chemicals and toxins—gross! Here's the shittiest part (come on, I had to): your mind has a lot to do with how regular you are. We hold on—we literally hold on—to stuff. What you eat also plays a huge role. Most of us are allergic to wheat and dairy. I notice that when I eat wheat (evil, evil grain that it is), I am less regular and more bloated.

When I go (go where?), I feel so much lighter, happier and more optimistic about life. Seriously!

So I've been on a mission for the past month to let it go. I wanted to share with you what's been working for me:
1. Aloe Juice (I actually do the gel. I find it less yuckers for some reason)
2. Probiotic pills (Fiber Smart or any kind of straight probiotic will help get the good flora back into your system. Peep this week's Mama Says: Get good flora (intestinal bacteria) back into your belly today. Available at most supermarket, drugstores and online, a probiotic (dietary supplement containing beneficial bacteria and yeast) does a body good, helping to manage lactose intolerance, prevent colon cancer, lower cholesterol, lower blood pressure, improve immunity, beat the bloat and more.)
3. Whole food vitamins (I actually take these prenatal ones that Gwyneth told me about—well, me and the rest of the free world in her Vogue interview. She takes them and swears that it's the reason why her hair always looks so great. I'll let you know how it goes for a mortal.)
4. Acai juice (3 ounces daily and loving it)
5. Omega 3/6/9 oil

When I do all of the above and drink my 100 ounces of water, it's howdy doody time (yup, I went there). It's actually howdy all things goody time, including energy, lightness, calmness, wholeness, positivity and a flatter belly.

I'm not a doctor and I don't even play one on TV, so be sure to ask your nutritionist or doctor before taking any of these supplements.

So that's the poop scoop. I won't have such a shitty posting next time. I promise.


What to Get Your Woman said...

I think this whole digestive tract issue is a Jewish girl thing (though it's usually the converse problem, from what I hear). I assume it's because we didn't grow wheat out in the desert, and apparently we haven't evolved into a people who can properly digest it or something. Seriously, do the gentiles have digestive issues too? Doubtful.

Regardless, glad things are moving smoothly for ya, girlftiend. Must have been awfully crappy (or not) for you.

Groovy Amy said...

If you must know, I make great oat bran muffins. I will bring you some.