Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Barbie is an Evil Doer: The Boycott Begins

Oh, I've been such a bad blogger. Between work and VHI reality shows, my time and brain have been sucked out.

But, I am back to give yet another link for a Mattel recall: http://www.service.mattel.com/us/recall.asp

I am pissed.

As parents, we have enough to worry about without fearing Barbie, Dora and Polly Pocket.

I say we boycott.

Well, I am boycotting—do you hear that Mattel?

And I am rallying my moms-in-arms to do the same.

No more Mattel or any of it's other companies until they stop making toys in China and/or prove to every last sleep deprived, caffeine-fueled, over-taxed parent that they've stopped cutting corners.

So, take that Barbie—I always knew you were a bitch.

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