Monday, February 25, 2008

D.A.E.D.—Daughters Against Emailing Drunk

Good daughters shouldn't let their mothers email drunk:

"Okay, so there is snow on the ground and I am home with Auggie!
After 2 homemade margaritas, it has occurred to me that it is A LOT of pressure being our age! Ex: don't eat fat, bologna, salami, pastrami,potato chips, salt, sugar, carbs! No flour, no alcohol, no alcohol, no alcohol, no nothing! And of course, no drugs! Nothing but exercise, yoga, clean eating and getting in touch with your inner Oprah! So what's left?

Well, there's the responsibility of your elderly parents who are soon to die or have already; worrying about the fact that the stock market is down......and you are, too; worrying that 1 out of 10 peeps who are upside down on their mortgages. You have to remember not to go out in the sun, wear sunblock with titanium oxide etc., and forget the fact that your waist is expanding, your mind is retreating,and your business is so off! Oh, your hair is thinning, your beard is growing, your feet are twisting, and your sex life is less thrilling than an ice cream sundae (or 3 glasses of wine, 2 Long Island Iced Teas). And I almost forgot that you have to sit back while you watch your adult kids make their mistakes.
And then there's the big decision of which antidepressants to take. How the F *&# do you honor your soul and go after your life's purpose with all that swirling about?

My generation, the "Me" generation, has been duped! Where do we go from here?

Kisses, Your old friend, sister, mother, niece, business associate and bon vivant."

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

It is impressive that all that was done from her BlackBerry.
She's on it more than I am. Oh, dear Baby Boomers, where did your fight go?

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