Strange Weather
Wake up: 5 am to feed the little man.
Slept for: 6 hours.
First thought is: I'd love to go to the gym but I just can't bring myself to force Shawn to get up at 5 since he just went to bed at 1. Bummer.
Baby is: Playing next to me on his activity mat.
This is: Temporary. He'll start to get over it in a few.
Daughter is: Wearing her undies again.
This is: Nerve-wracking.
Man is: Working.
This is: What he does.
Emails to check: 39
Goal for the day: Eat cleanly (which is going quite well) and work
Kabbalah says: We cannot force our opinions upon others even though we may think it is for their benefit. We are not the policemen of the Creator. We can only share with an open heart and let the Light take care of the rest.
First bananas thought:
Arrive at gym: Not yet and I just don't know that I'll make it today—perhaps tonight I can go. I did go last night at 9.
Workout is: Obsessed over.
Today's song is: Strange Weather by Marianne Faithful. I used to intern for a woman named Kate Hyman. She was a formidable, eccentric, troubled and inspired woman. Her best friend was Marianne Faithful. When she'd call Kate, she'd always say: "Tell Katie (read Ka-tee), it's Mari-aaaaaaaaane (read: Mari-aaaaaaaaane )." It always stuck as funny that after everything Marianne had been through in her life, she never lost her upper-class-upbringing sense of self, never letting misfortune and circumstance rob her of who she really is. You could tell she had dignity. I think about that often.
Best lyric is: Strangers talk only about the weather
Best spam subject line: Prepare to win.
I want: To win, dammit!
I love: Water.
I wish: A green house makeover show would come and eco us up.
I am totally, majorly obsessing over: Not getting to the gym.
Being a mom means: Not being able to get to the gym, even though you are obsessing over it.
Being a wife means: Not being able to get to the gym, even though you are obsessing over it.
Being a business owner means: Not being able to get to the gym, even though you are obsessing over it.
Out of the mouths of babes: You're undies look different. They're all bunched up, I think.
Today I ate: Great. Very cleanly.
Today I drank: Water and one martini during a stolen hour with a best gal pal.
Work was: Productive—though I could work 24 hours a day and not get everything done.
Today I learned: That those first few months after my first child were as insane as I remember.
I am: So glad that the second time was better.
Tomorrow I will: Create and accomplish.
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