Skinny Is As Skinny Does
Okay, guys, let me start this post by saying two things: firstly, much love to the groovy gal who posted a comment. I truly appreciate your words of encouragement; secondly, it's 9:45 pm and I am drinking a glass of water—not wine—whilst finishing up my day's work. You can actually have one glass of red a night, but not me. I really want to do this thing the right way. Who needs the extra calories or the morning brain fog?. Honestly, even one glass of wine slows me down the next day. I am sure my dear, old friends from my bartending days just got a chuckle from that statement. So over the past few days I've gone from wine-o to water-o. I totally dig water again. I used to guzzle it, but got out of the habit. I am supposed to drink upwards of 100 ounces a day for the next six weeks—and I'm loving it. I think I may have been severely dehyrdated (processed foods, salt and alcohol adding to it) for three years now. I feel like a new woman—I SWEAR IT—just from drinking all that water. Just like experts say, drinking water curbs appetitie, sugar cravings, makes you have way more energy and flushes out the toxins and the bloat. Of course, the clean eating helps cure the bloat, too.
For my first workout with Lori ( Well, let me begin by saying she knows her stuff. She is the real deal. It's so cool to work with such a professional. She emails me everyday with supportive yet strong words. I will not let her down—and I will not let myself down! Our first workout was a circuit in the park in the afternoon. It was hot, but that was the only time I could fit it in. In the past, I would have used the lack of good timing as an excuse, but not anymore. We made a plan and I had to stick to it. So circuit, think: sit-ups, medicine ball, running military-style through hoops (you know when military guys and girls run through tires?), jumping jacks, lunges, sprinting, squating, lifting—just writing it makes me a little winded. There were a few times when I secretly wanted to stop, but my pride wouldn't let me. I made it: one hour of pretty much non-stop circuit training (well, there were breaks, of course, but you know what I mean). I loved it. I loved it. I am not athletic AT ALL and I am so thrilled that I made it through. I feel like a star.
Now, this working and working out mama must go and see what her still-working papa is up to. It's 10:02 pm, but since I'm feeling pretty groovy thanks to my new program, maybe the night is still young.
Congrats on drinking all that water! I just started to get my butt in gear since so far this summer's move into my first house has welcomed many friends and many a bottle of wine. I normally don't really drink, but with everyone coming to me I figure why not, right?! So with half a glass here and a glass there, I've been unusually dehydrated and I must admit, waking up with a headache has forced me to start drinking more water in the hopes that I might return to a clearer head. Drinking water is the best remedy - I've felt more awake and energized. Drinking water - a beverage that I know is good for me and makes me feel better - is slowly becoming my new addiction and I gotta tell ya - my body and mind are thanking me! And the best part is - there's no guilt attached!
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