Waiting Room
Wake up: 6:20 am
Slept for: 7 hours
First thought is: Not a thought so much as a quick body scan of how I felt. Answer: good but still have a slight hangover-feeling headache. This is day 4 of my five day cleanse.
Baby is: Going for his three month check up tomorrow, aka a source of anxiety, as are all doctor's visits nowadays due to confusion and worry over shots.
This is: Stressful and sad.
Daughter is: Sans sitter today. I'm already exhausted. Not complaining—just reporting. I know plenty of moms do it every day. It's just that today August issue launches and it's always a gangbusters day. There's so much blood, sweat and tears that go into making each issue and it's always nerve wracking, exciting and stressful when the issue goes live. I've worked it and loved it and hated it for so long, so to release it to the world is a big deal. Or I am just completely overly dramatizing things. Whatevs.
This is: What was I saying?
Man is: Out with daughter on a Play-Doh run. Though we're freakazoids so we buy her this non-chemical, non-China stuff. It's actually better than PD because it doesn't harden and dry out. I miss the old school PD smell though.
This is: Parenting in 2008.
Goal for the day: Send out all the barrage of emails to our list and editorial mentions about the new issue. Also, stressful because I so want people to like it. So co-dependent, I am.
Kabbalah says: "When we hit rock bottom, though it's painful physically, it is also a breaking of klipot [shells of negativity] that create barriers between us and our true fulfillment. Of course, no one wants to be in this position - it hurts! But at the same time, we want to have the courage to accept it. The faster we admit that the pain has a purpose, the faster it will fill its purpose and subsequently go away.Remember today that temporary pain prepares us to receive lasting fulfillment. Have the courage to fully experience your pain. You'll be surprised at the messages it can bring you."
First bananas thought: What if I juiced every day and just ate a sensible dinner?
Arrive at gym: 7:30-ish
Workout is: Good. I am glad I did it. I didn't feel up to working out yesterday.
Today's song is: Waiting Room by Fugazi
Best lyric is: And I won't make the same mistakes because I know who much time that wastes
Best spam subject line: I actually don't have that much in my junk folder today.
It's the best because: Yup.
I want: A scarf. I am feeling a scarf—for fashion, not for warmth.
I love: Thinking about new ways to be healthy.
I wish: There was a raw food place here.
I am totally, majorly obsessing over: Malibu. I want a house in Malibu.
Being a mom means: Many loads of laundry.
Being a wife means: Maybe, possibly not working tonight so I can see my man for more than five minutes.
Being a business owner means: Working most nights of the week.
Out of the mouths of babes: "You terribled me."
Today I ate: Day 4 of Blueprint Cleanse, baby. Going strong.
Today I drank: So far, four out of six juices. First, third and fifth ones have green things in them like kale, celery, cucumber, romaine, lemon (which I know is not green) parsley and green apple. Second one has pineapple, apple and mint. Fourth one has water, lemon, cayenne and agave. Last one has raw cashew nuts, agave, cinnamon and vanilla bean.
Work was: Well, is still going. I am getting it done though and learning a few things along the way.
Today I learned: To go against my instinct by not reacting.
I am: In the middle of a million things. I should get off this dang blog.
Tomorrow I will: Work and learn.