Wednesday, August 06, 2008

The Glamorous Life

Wake up: 6:20 am
Slept for: Maybe 7 hours
First thought is: How long can I ignore the baby's babbling before it turns a definite cry?
Baby is: A devil in disguise.
This is: Genetic.
Daughter is: Starting school (five days a week!) next month.
This is: So exciting...for me. I loved school.
Man is: "Working. Nothing exciting. Same shit."
This is: Him getting annoyed at the daily "Man is" question.
Goal for the day: Eat cleanly, breathe, deal with the stress that greeted me the minute I opened my eyes.
Kabbalah says: " When we don't resolve conflicts in our relationships, our lives can't move forward."
First bananas thought: Maybe I should juice (or shake) breakfast and lunch and then have a sensible dinner—everyday.
Arrive at gym: I might not be able to go today unless I go after 9. I have a meeting tonight at 7 and then a ton of work scheduled for this evening. Today might be my day off.
Workout is: Well, I can still do sit ups and push ups and arms. Actually, I could do a real home workout courtesy of one of our many awesome home routines a la Lori Sawyer.
Today's song is: The Glamorous Life by Sheila E—though I am sure that Prince wrote. He wrote everything in the 80s. He was the 80s Barry Gibb.
Best lyric is: She wears a long coat of mink even in the summertime
Best spam subject line: No great subject lines, but the FBI did send me a very important note about terrorism and ATM fraud.
It's the best because: I am very important, you know.
I want: Not to wear my gym clothes all day today—and maybe even to put on a bit of makeup. Ooooh, makeup. Yes. And the worst part is that my gym clothes sometimes double for pajamas. It confuses Scarlett.
I love: That there's a health food store down the road from my house. Score one for the suburbs! Today I got a two ounce shot of wheat grass and a carrot, beet, celery and mixed greens freshly squeezed juice.
I wish: I had my own juicer. I actually think I might have one, now that I am thinking about it.
I am totally, majorly obsessing over: My new washer and dryer. The latter broke and the former was on the fritz. Anyway, there's front-loading and they're heaven. The washer uses 65 percent less water. 65 percent! And both machines use less energy. In fact, somehow the clothes come out of the washer not as wet, so the dryer has less work to do, which equals less energy use. Also, there's no agitator on the dryer, so the quality of the clothes remains in tact. The ones we got were really not much more than the regular ones.
Being a mom means: Slowing down, even when you want to go, go, go.
Being a wife means: Having a strategy.
Being a business owner means: Also having a strategy.
Out of the mouths of babes: "You're welcome. It was no pleasure."
Today I ate: Mixed greens, carrot and beet drink for breakfast, spinach, strawberry, 1/4 avocado and sliced almonds topped with lemon juice and a drizzle of olive oil for lunch, protein shake with almond milk (good, low cal, low fat and even has a little fiber—and it's on the alkaline list) for snack. Dinner will be chicken or veggie burger with slightly steamed vegetables. Does menu totally rule or what? Mean and clean, people!
Today I drank: Hot water with lemon before I ate or drank, as it were, anything this morning, water with lemon all day and a half a cup of coffee with almond milk. I am allowing myself the treat of two cups of coffee per week and two alcoholic drinks per week.
Work was: Well, work still is and will be until at least 10 tonight, save the 5:30 to 7:30 break for dinner, bath and bed.
Today I learned: You have to know how to read the signs. Opportunity doesn't always come in a pretty package, but everything that comes your way, good and bad, is a chance to fulfill your dreams and attain your goals.
I am: A might bit speedy from the coffee. Loves it!
Tomorrow I will: Eat at well as I did today. It totally made all the difference in how I felt on all levels. Feeling good physically directly impacts your state of mind. And having a strong and clear state of mind allows you to be much more in tune with the universe and the divine order of things.

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