Saturday, July 7:
The Workout
6:30 am: Legs (quads, hamstrings, calves), dips, 100 sit ups, 50 push ups.
The Weigh-In: Lost two pounds since yesterday—must be mainly from the colonic.
The Food
8:00 am: A few pieces of cantaloupe—because my Daree, the lovely woman who gave me the colonic, reminded me that you're not supposed to eat fruit with other food, only before. Fruit wants to be digested in 20 minutes, while other foods take up to four hours. As such, if you eat fruit after or with a meal, it winds up getting backed up in the digestion process and turns rancid. In order to derive the maximum nutrients from the fruit and work with your body's natural digestion process, you must eat fruit at least 20 minutes before eating anything else or at least four hours after. Here's something I didn't know: melon should be eaten alone verses with other fruits. There's something about the makeup of melon that makes it not as digestable when eaten with other fruits. Apparently, many spas actually have separate melon bars and fruit bars and forbid a cross-consumption.
8:25 am: Frozen Asian vegetables, sauteed in hazelnut oil, and egg whites.
Supplements: One tablespoon of flax seed oil with Omegas 3, 6, 9, one acidolphilus, 2 B, one whole nutrient multi, one magnesium.
9:00 am: Greet tea—because Daree reminded me of what a former accupunturist used to avow: never drink while eating. Daree explained that liquids put out the fire of digestion. Interesting!
12:00 pm: Brown rice sushi sans most of the brown rice.
5:30 pm: Apres my girlfriend's gorgeous royal-ish wedding ceremony at St. John the Divine in NYC, we went for a drink to kill time before the reception, which started at 7. One glass of white, one crab cake, one bite of cheese, olives and cornichons. Let the destruction begin.
7:00 pm: Hors d'oeuvres are relatively healthy, though not so great for my ailing stomach. Ate a lot of little: shots of vichysoiss, bean salad, crab cakes, two mini gourmet BLTs (like the size of a Hershey's Kiss). Abstained from cheese and overly wheaty and dairy-seeming things. One glass of wine and one glass of water.
8:30 and beyond: Lobster souffle, salad, snapper, couscous. More wine—hard to tell how much really because the servers just fill up your glass. I could have stopped it. I didn't. I must have had another two glasses at least and a few sips of champagne.
11:00 pm: One sip of Shawn's coffee, lemon meringue on a cookie thing. No cake though.
Fortunately, the food was clean-ish and healthy-ish overall, but I could have been stricter. My stomach felt like it was in a vice by the time we left. If I had strengthened my intention, I would have kept to my word. But the reality is that I went in knowing that I'd cheat, so, of course, I cheated.