Friday, July 06, 2007

Week Minded 3

Friday, July 6:

The Workout
6:30 am: Triceps, biceps, back, shoulders, 100 sit ups, 50 pus ups. 30 minutes on elliptical at 4. Ready to go next cardio level.

Weigh-In: One pound since Tuesday morning. Pretty good considering the late Tuesday debacle.

Extras: Colonic. Yup. Been wanting to do one for years and decided that now is the time in lieu of my recent GI problems. It was great—not so comfortable, but great. I was mentally and physically exhausted afterwards, which is normal.

The Food:
8:30 am: Half bowl of oatmeal, splash of rice milk, blueberries and strawberries. Green tea.

Supplements: One acidophilus, one whole nutrient multi, 2 B, one magnesium, one tbsp of flax oil with Omegas 3, 6, 9. Water.

11:30 am: Starving. Onion soup (no cheese), broth questionable (meat-based? veg-based?). It was the lesser of all evils since the rest of the soups were cream-based and I was craving soup. Water.

12:00 pm: Egg whites cooked in hazelnut oil—because olive oil should never be heated.

1:30 pm: Four pieces of turkey with a dot of mustard and a pickle—craving salt today.

5:00 pm: Brown rice crackers (practically no calories or fat...or taste) and hummus.

6:00 pm: Turkey burger, corn on the cob and baked julienned sweet potatoes, a few dips of organic ketchup (as if the organic nullifies the sugar), 4 ounces of white wine—which led to a slight sliver of Babe's homemade key lime pie.

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