Week Minded 7
Tuesday, July 10:
The Weigh-In: Da na na naaaaa: Four pounds. Okay, so four pounds in one week is great, especially considering that I had the July 4th afternoon and evening debacle and Saturday night wedding. I also look much more narrow and toned.
However, I know that some of the loss can be attributed to the colonics—I had another one yesterday late afternoon. (This one was much easier. It left me feeling fantastic. One more to go to complete the series.) As such, I know that the wine here and there, stolen bites of dessert and the such all added up to not being as successful as I could have been.
I'm not an over-achieving freakazoid. I know that I have to take things one step at a time and be grateful for little victories—which I do and I am. But this week was about strength of mind over matter and integrity of my word. If you don't have integrity of your word to yourself, then there's no way you'll have in other areas of your life.
I didn't have impeccable integrity of my word this week: I had a few more drinks than I should have; I had more sweets than I should have. I had gratuitous sips of coffee. Why? I was the one who chose to eliminate coffee, so why wouldn't I listen to my own advice/mandate. Interesting. Very interesting.
Anyway, psychoanalysis aside, I feel rocket-propelled. I feel lithe and alive. I feel even more committed to powering ahead on this path of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual awakening. I feel even more committed to aligning my actions with my words (intentions) and vice versa.
I'll continue to journal sans blog—so as not to bore the readers with such extreme tedium— as a way of keeping my eating, supplement-taking, working out, intentions and actions in check.
Thanks for obliging me in my week of strength. I know it was my ego/vanity/fear of being exposed as a failure that helped keep me in line. However, now all the good behavior has taken hold, allowing me persevere for the right reasons.
Stay tuned...
The Workout
5:45 am: Woke up psyched to get my arse to the gym.
6:15 am: Triceps, biceps, shoulders, chest, upper and lower back, 50 push ups, 50 dips, 125 sit ups on the bally ball, followed by 30 minutes of elliptical cardio at level 4. Just can't seem to move it up yet.
The Food:
7:25 am: Homemade low sodium, organic chicken soup from the gym cafe. One digestive enzyme pill.
8:00 am: Green tea.
8:30 am: One brown rice waffle, 1/4 tablespoon (or so) of low fat Smart Balance butter, dollup of syrup. I estimate the breakfast to be about 300 calories, aka the same amount that took me 30 minutes to burn on the elliptical.
Supplements: One acidophilus, 2 B, 4 D3 (the new way to D—apparently), one whole nutrient multi, one calcium/magnesium/zinc, one tablespoon of flax seed oil with Omegas 3, 6, 9, four ounces of active aloe.
12:30 pm: Portobella mushrooms sauteed in a little hazelnut oil and egg whites.
3:30 pm: Protein shake with water and a banana.
5:30 pm: Cup of roasted eggplant and tomato soup, salad with shrimp, tomatoes and asparagus. Too many of babe's fries and a bite of her chicken tender. In the words of Michael J :Who's bad?
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