Week Minded 6
Monday, July 9:
The Workout
6:15 am: Legs (quads, hamstrings, calves), including a killer squat set. 50 dips, 50 push ups, 125 sit ups and 30 minutes of cardio at 4.
The Food
8:00 am: Two non-wheat (brown rice) waffles, a dab of lowfat Smart Balance, 2 tablespoons of maple syrup.
Supplements: Flax seed oil with Omegas 3, 6, 9, 4 ounces of live aloe, one acidolphilus.
8:30 am: Green tea. You are supposed to wait one hour after eating before you drink. Today it was just luck.
9:00 am-12:30 pm: Tepid water
12:45 pm: One small chicken breast from last night's dinner. Held in a napkin and eaten while working—no wonder I have digestive problems.
2:00-5:00 pm: Tepid water
5:00 pm: Hunger mounting. Brown rice crackers and hummus.
5:45 pm: Half a piece of grilled chicken breast, a few slices of avocado, a spelt English muffin with a dab of soy butter (craving bread big time!) and a handful of Babe and babe's waffle fries. Even though they are organic and lower fat than regular ones, I really have no excuse. 4 ounces of white wine.
Supplements: Digestive enzymes, one calcium/magnesium/zinc, one acidophilus, one multi, 2 B.
8:30 pm: Green tea.
Tomorrow's the last day of my Week Minded challenge—and yet it's just the beginning.
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