Friday, April 13, 2007

I Wanna Hold Your Hand

Well, the whining has subsided for now. "No" has worked.

Enter: the sweet needing.

Here are the latest quotes:

"I need you"
"I need to hug you"
"I need to hold you"
"I wanna hold your hand"

Oh, yes, my little Sarah Bernhardt is quite an adept manipulator—like most her age.

Let me tell you, this girl has skills (read: skeeelz). Her ability to manipulate with just the right words used in just the right tone and peppered with just the right amount of desperation is remarkable.

And how nice it is that she wants to hold my hand. That she wants to be near me. That I provide comfort and safety for her.

And how difficult it is to stand up to her (how crazy does that sound?) and lead by example with strength, consistency and follow-through—but I do it, for her sake and for mine.

I just stick to my plan, knowing that I am doing the best for and by her—and then I put it out of my mind.

Ignorance is bliss—not really.
Ignoring is bliss—really.

Monday, April 09, 2007

Y'all Want This Party Started Right?

My first question is: Is there supposed to be a comma in the title?
Is it "Y'all Want This Party Started, Right?"—as in a request to affirm the statement?
Or is it "Y'all Want This Party Started Right"—as in start the part correctly people!


If you are in the NY/NJ area, click here

We're doing our first party, THE FAMILY GROOVE Spring Fling. And then we're taking the party on the road to a town near you in 2008.

Our girls want to party all the time, baby!

Will get back to my normal hemming and hawing tomorrow, I promise.