Sunday, August 17, 2008

Pop Song 89

Wake up: 5:45 am
Slept for: Almost 6 hours
First thought is: Maybe he'll go back to sleep—but then the chatter turned into crying and I knew it was all over for me.
Baby is: Almost ready for his Exersaucer, aka the one thing that enabled me to work when I didn't have a sitter for Scarlett. God bless the Exersaucer.
This is: In the basement along with a warehouse of things that need to be given away or just chucked. Chucking things rules.
Daughter is: Starting school in two weeks from Tuesday. I think. I should double check that.
This is: Built up. We've received mail correspondences from her school weekly—which is lovely and formal and important, but not all I can think about is how not eco-friendly they're being.
Man is: Playing softball today. Just one more Sunday to go.
This is: Well, I used to be so excited when his season was over, but now I realize it's the only thing he has outside of this home and work, which is also in this home. So, I guess it's actually not so great. Basketball doesn't start until November.
Goal for the day: Same as they ever were: workout, eat cleanly, think cleanly, work.
Kabbalah says: This is from yesterday's daily email: "There is a joke about these two shoe salesmen who travel to a third world country in search of new business opportunities.

One man calls his wife the moment he lands, telling her, 'Honey, I'm coming back home. There's no hope here. Nobody here is wearing shoes, so there's no one to sell to.' He boards the next flight home.

The second man calls his wife and says, 'Honey, you wouldn't believe what I found here. There is so much opportunity. No one here is wearing shoes. I can sell to the whole country!'

There's opportunity everywhere. When we have a consciousness of expecting the magic to happen, it will happen. We'll find the right people, we'll move in the right circles, we'll 'bump' into the right solutions. It all starts with that opening in the mind."

First bananas thought: I can bang out this article in an hour. Come on, do I really think that? Am I doing some subversive mind over matter Jedi mind tricks on myself?
Arrive at gym:
Workout is:
Today's song is: Pop Song 89 by REM
Best lyric is: Hello, I'm sorry I lost myself
I think I thought you were someone else
When I hear this song: It reminds me of freshman year of college (which wasn't in 89—it was in 93, thank you very much).
Flash thought: Loretta Zahnstucker's (I should look up that spelling) art studio. I can see it so clearly. I can feel it. I took art classes after school when I was 7 or 8. I loved it, even though I'd always say that I didn't want to go. We did water colors and oil paintings. Art is so therapeutic. Do you have weird flashes of non-sequitur thoughts, too? What are they? Why are they?
I want: A razor-back vest. I'm into it—but you really have to be hipster skinny to pull it off.
I love: Opening the back door that leads to the deck and hearing the sounds of the morning, especially now that the jabber man has fallen back to sleep and the other people who live here are still silent. Ahhhh, heaven. I forget to open doors and windows, sometimes. I forget how calming and wonderful it is to let the outside in.
I wish: Someone would write the article that I continue to put off.
I am totally, majorly obsessing over: Getting copies of Real Simple (its family edition), which goes on sale tomorrow. We're featured in it.
Being a mom means: Giving more.
Being a wife means: Giving more
Being a business owner means: Giving more.
Out of the mouths of babes: "I love you"—as said by Scarlett to her little friend John during their playdate yesterday.
Today I ate: Decently, save a mess of crackers before dinner.
Today I drank: Not nearly enough water...again.
Work was: Great. The issue of Real Simple featuring THE FAMILY GROOVE is out now. We're in an article called "Best Parenting Sites" and dubbed "Best Daily Destination."
Today I learned: It's always darkest before dawn.
I am: Working—but at least I have the TV on. It makes me feel a little better about working on Sunday night.
Tomorrow I will: Move forward.

Thursday, August 14, 2008


Wake up: 6:50 am
Slept for: Not sure what time I fell asleep.
First thought is: Must get up, work for an hour and must, must, must go to the gym.
Baby is: Rolling over, holding things, reaching for things, making cause and effect connections.
This is: Exciting. I am loving watching him come alive—and being present to it.
Daughter is: Watching her shows.
This is: Good, bad. I dunno. Kids love shows, right?
Man is: On edge.
This is: Ending soon, I hope.
Goal for the day: Get back on track. I didn't go to the gym for days and not having that anchor lampooned me into the stratosphere of wanton eating and thinking.
Kabbalah says: "Today, focus on what you really want from all of the things you're filling your life with right now. If you don't know why you busy ourselves with your spiritual work, your friends, or your careers, you can never expect to see the results you wanted when you first started out."
Arrive at gym: 8 am
Workout is: Not so great. I was not into it. I am tired and unmotivated—but I went it and I went through the motions. I know how I operate. Tomorrow I'll be more into it and then by the weekend, I'll be back with gusto.
Today's song is: Freedom by George Michael
Best lyric is: Heaven knows I was just a young boy
Didn't know what I wanted to be
I want: Someone to make me an egg white omelet. I guess that's called a restaurant. Getting out of the house with two kids would mean an egg white omelet for lunch at this point.
I love: John Galliano.
I wish: We were friends.
I am totally, majorly obsessing over:
Being a mom means:
Being a wife means:
Being a business owner means:
Out of the mouths of babes:
Today I ate: Egg whites, 1/2 avocado and salsa for breakfast, mango for snack, chicken soup for lunch + will eat salad and sushi for dinner. Oh, and a protein bar and a few chips. Why? Why did I do the chips?
Today I drank: Some water. Not enough.
Work was: I've been working on the same article since 10. It just won't flow—that and I've had to do other work in the interim.
Today I learned: Just when you think you know something, you realize that you're just scratching the surface of it.
I am: Full. The late afternoon need for feeding frenzy hasn't set in. I think the protein bar helped. It was a much better day today with regard to everything: outlook, mood, energy level, self-control, drive. I attribute it directly to working out. People, you have to get moving!
Tomorrow I will: Welcome the next lesson.

Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Karma Police

Wake up: 6:24 am
Slept for: Just over 6 hours.
First thought is: A rundown of my dreams, all of which were quite bizarre. In one, I was in a car with Scarlett and my dad and she was insisting on showing us some trick she did with the baby's car seat (no baby in it). She took it out of the car, which was now pulled over in on-coming traffic, and proceeded to play in the traffic—like that old awful thing that mean parents used to say: "Go play in traffic!".
Baby is: Talking to the hanging bears on his Pack-n-Play.
This is: Cute, sweet—and a little guilt-inducing. I should play with him.
Daughter is: Starting school full-time in two weeks.
This is: As a first time mom, you never really think it's going to happen.
Man is: Pass.
This is: Pass.
Goal for the day: To write. I have a ton of writing to do.
Kabbalah says: "We all reach points in our days when we don't understand. It can be a relationship challenge, a health issue, which direction to do with our career, a difficult passage of study, a momentous business decision. We all get those 'not-knowing' moments.

The way to see with clarity is, according to Rav Ashlag, to stretch. Not physically [though a forward bend always does wonders.] But to really do something that is outside your zone of comfort, out of the norm. When we elevate above the normal course of things, the Light responds in kind.

Suddenly we understand what we are reading, suddenly we know which doctor to go to, suddenly we see what limiting belief has been sabotaging our relationships. These moments of epiphany do not come from our brains, they come from the Light.

Go above your nature today. Really stretch your tolerance or patience or compassion or belief in yourself. Do something that will build the vessel for whatever it is that's beyond you to come in."

Arrive at gym: Nope.
Workout is: Nope.
Today's song is: Karma Police by Radiohead
Best lyric is: Karma police, arrest this man he talks in maths
He buzzes like a fridge
He's like a detuned radio
Best spam subject line: Really, there's been so little lately that I think I should get rid of this prompt.
I want: A cup of coffee from Balthazar.
I love: The mornings.
I wish: I felt like writing.
I am totally, majorly obsessing over: What if...
Being a mom means: Not letting the kids' simul-cry break you.
Being a wife means: Learning how to delay responses.
Being a business owner means: Making quiche from the eggs in your basket.
Out of the mouths of babes: "I need you, Mommy." That one kills.
Today I ate: Much better than yesterday, but still not perfectly.
Today I drank: Water, a cup of coffee and a protein shake with unsweetened almond milk.
Work was: Quiet. Very little frenzy. I am getting through everything I had on my list.
Today I learned: That success can take many shapes.
I am: Tired today. Not sure why. I haven't worked out in four days—that could be the answer.
Tomorrow I will: Work harder at learning the lessons.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Cherry Bomb

Wake up: 5:50 am
Slept for: Almost 6 hours
First thought is: No going back to sleep after you feed the baby. You have work to do.
Baby is: Just getting up this minute. Can I type fast enough to out pace his chatter before it becomes cries?
This is: Not happening.
Daughter is: Doing so much better, attitude-wise. She's starting to understand things, her emotions, cause and effect much more deeply.
This is: A relief...until the next hurdle.
Man is: Working.
This is: Same as it ever was.
Goal for the day: Not be burnt out.
Kabbalah says: "Love thy neighbor as thyself"
Arrive at gym: Ugh. Not yet. Probably can't go later. Today is one mother of a work day and night.
Workout is: How many calories do you burn while typing?
Today's song is: Cherry Bomb by Joan Jett
Best lyric is: I'm the fox you've been waiting for
It's the best because: Fox is a fab word.
I want: A drink.
I love: The women I am blessed to connect with on a daily basis.
I wish: Anthony Robbins or Forum classes were mandatory.
I am totally, majorly obsessing over: Pamela Anderson. Love her.
Being a mom means: Laundry.
Being a wife means: Having separate offices. Smart.
Being a business owner means: Ups and downs—really, all-in-all, they're better than middles.
Out of the mouths of babes: I should carry a journal for this one. Scarlett drops so many hysterical one-liners but, lately, I can't seem to retain any of them.
Today I ate: I don't completely remember. I didn't preplan my menu like I usually do, so I was popping bites of this and nibbles (hate that word, actually) of that into my mouth all day long.
Today I drank: Practically nothing—maybe one glass of water. So bad!
Work was: Interesting. On the high, we are in Real Simple Family, which is on newsstands on August 18. It's their annual Family special issue.
Today I learned: The more you learn, the harder the lessons get.
I am: Possibly going to have that drink but I will definitely follow it up with some water.
Tomorrow I will: Get back on track. Do I say that everyday or what?

Friday, August 08, 2008

Pretty in Pink

Wake up: 6 am
Slept for: Hmmm... I had a martini last night and passed out as soon as I got into bed. I fooled myself into thinking that I'd just sit down for a few minutes before I got up to clean up the downstairs and do some work. That never works.
First thought is: I feel a bit rough today. I hate that feeling.
Baby is: Not sleeping a wink today so far.
This is: Patience-trying.
Daughter is: Totally potty trained for a couple of weeks now. I just decided she had to do it and she went for it. Kids take cues from their parents. I think she knew that I was ready.
This is: A sigh of relief.
Man is: Fixing my mom's computer.
This is: Nice of him.
Goal for the day: Feel better from last night's drink.
Kabbalah says: Whenever we feel depressed, unfulfilled or anxious, it's because we have lost touch with god.
First bananas thought: Daily Candy just sold to Comcast for 125 million. This thought has been on the top of my queue since Amy told me yesterday.
Arrive at gym: Didn't go. Had to clean this morning.
Workout is: Not going to happen today but if I go tomorrow and Sunday, then I'll still get in 5 days.
Today's song is: Pretty in Pink by Psychedelic Furs
Best lyric is: She lives in the place in the side our lives where nothing is ever put straight
I want: The simplicity of years gone by.
I love: Romanticized hindsight.
I wish: Late nights weren't punished by early mornings.
I am totally, majorly obsessing over: The Magic Eraser. It's no joke:
Being a mom means: Getting your kids paper towels, even when they're 30.
Being a wife means: Knowing when to support your man.
Being a business owner means: Never, ever taking your eye off of the prize.
Today I ate: Overall pretty good. I even went out to dinner and didn't completely blow it. I think after a while of being disciplined, it kind of becomes habit.
Today I drank: Water, iced white tea and two martinis—but I spilled the first one after drinking one-third.
Work was: Very productive—which gives me hope for a productive weekend.
Today I learned: It's easy to revert to old habits. You constantly have to be aware of your thoughts. I have to practice not reacting.
I am: Going to start to think more big picture.
Tomorrow I will: Do more. I am starting to plateau a bit on the mental-front.

Thursday, August 07, 2008

I Am the Highway

Wake up: 4:40 am—the baby got up. I can't really complain though. He usually sleeps past 6. He actually had gotten up at 3-something but Shawn got him back to sleep for an hour.
Slept for: About five and a half hours.
First thought is: Guess I have to get up this time.
Baby is: Back to sleep now. At 5:30, after he was done eating, I thought about going back to sleep, but I realized my time would be better served if I got some work done.
This is: Great...for now. Presently, I feel ready to take on the world. I am sure that I'll be tired by 9.
Daughter is: Three. She's just three years old and she has every bit of the attitude of a teenager—or at least what I remember having as a teenager. When I told her she couldn't do something last night, she told me that she didn't love me. I couldn't believe it. How did that concept even enter into her brain? She later apologized and then proceeded to tell me that she loved me and have her dollies tell me that they love me.
This is: Honestly, kind of hurtful. I mean, I get it, and I contained it (didn't let the thoughts turn into other thoughts and feelings), but I can't help but being a bit taken aback.
Man is: Well, my mom has a saying: "Stick a broom up my butt and I'll sweep, too." Lovely.
Anyway, this would sum his week up.

This is: Just how it goes. I do wonder about when we will reach a point where he isn't working 70+ hours a week and doing so much for everyone else and mowing the lawn and pulling the weeds and fixing up the house and fixing everyone's computers. I guess that's kind of what dads do—or good dads. The lawn stuff could be crossed off of his list—but he says he actually likes it.
Goal for the day: Eat clean, clean the house, workout, work
Kabbalah says: "Chaos is the misperception that there are no connections. In fact, everything is connected. Everything."
First bananas thought: Yes, we have no bananas. We have no bananas today.
Arrive at gym: 7:50 am
Workout is: Cardio only. I really pushed myself. I saw how it was my instinct to slow down and labor more when the plane or the level got higher. I didn't let it happen for more than a second though. I consciously made an effort to continue to push hard and remain on the same level of intensity regardless of how difficult the course continued to get. Then, at the end, I started to slow down—say, about ten seconds before the course was over. But I picked it back up. Taking things to 100 percent with maximum intensity, drive and focus is what life is all about. Imagine if we all were always at 100 percent with things: our word, our follow through, our actions, our health regimes, our one-on-one time with our kids or our mates. Imagine what kind of a world we'd live in. It's all about driving. You just have to keep driving.
Today's song is: I Am the Highway by Audioslave
Best lyric is: Friends and liars don't wait for me
'Cause I'll get on all by myself
Best spam subject line: I have only 5 emails in my junk mail. I can't believe it. I wonder if Comcast strengthened its firewall or if the spammers have moved on.
It's the best because: What, I'm not spam worthy now?
I want: Solar panels like Larry Hagman has.
I love: When my hair dries well. Hey, you can be deep all the time!
I wish: I had a white Halston pants suit a la Bianca Jagger.
I am totally, majorly obsessing over: Following the daily eating plan that I devise for myself nightly.
Being a mom means: Focus.
Being a wife means: Being on the same page.
Being a business owner means: Going big or going home. Wait, I am home. Okay, just going big.
Out of the mouths of babes: "You're in a time out!" Now, we haven't really put her in time outs yet. I put her in one once. So, this is coming from school. My little angel baby in a time out? Gasp!
Today I ate: Mixed veggie juice (fresh), shot of wheat grass, salad of romaine, strawberries, almond slivers, 1/4 avocado, lemon juice and olive oil (I am living for this salad), protein shake with almond milk. Tonight I'll have fish and vegetables. We're probably going out for dinner, so I am sure I'll have a drink. I wish that I could abstain. I mean, I know I have a choice. I know that I am in control of it, but I also know that I will want to have a drink once we're out.
Today I drank: Hot water with lemon in the morning, water all day and 1/4 cup of coffee with almond milk. I have been up since 4:50 this morning—I had to do something.
Work was: Layered.
Today I learned: The truth shall set you free. Speak it—even if you think that it won't be accepted. Speak the truth.
I am: Messing with my cuticles.
Tomorrow I will: Be closer to attaining my goals.

Wednesday, August 06, 2008

The Glamorous Life

Wake up: 6:20 am
Slept for: Maybe 7 hours
First thought is: How long can I ignore the baby's babbling before it turns a definite cry?
Baby is: A devil in disguise.
This is: Genetic.
Daughter is: Starting school (five days a week!) next month.
This is: So exciting...for me. I loved school.
Man is: "Working. Nothing exciting. Same shit."
This is: Him getting annoyed at the daily "Man is" question.
Goal for the day: Eat cleanly, breathe, deal with the stress that greeted me the minute I opened my eyes.
Kabbalah says: " When we don't resolve conflicts in our relationships, our lives can't move forward."
First bananas thought: Maybe I should juice (or shake) breakfast and lunch and then have a sensible dinner—everyday.
Arrive at gym: I might not be able to go today unless I go after 9. I have a meeting tonight at 7 and then a ton of work scheduled for this evening. Today might be my day off.
Workout is: Well, I can still do sit ups and push ups and arms. Actually, I could do a real home workout courtesy of one of our many awesome home routines a la Lori Sawyer.
Today's song is: The Glamorous Life by Sheila E—though I am sure that Prince wrote. He wrote everything in the 80s. He was the 80s Barry Gibb.
Best lyric is: She wears a long coat of mink even in the summertime
Best spam subject line: No great subject lines, but the FBI did send me a very important note about terrorism and ATM fraud.
It's the best because: I am very important, you know.
I want: Not to wear my gym clothes all day today—and maybe even to put on a bit of makeup. Ooooh, makeup. Yes. And the worst part is that my gym clothes sometimes double for pajamas. It confuses Scarlett.
I love: That there's a health food store down the road from my house. Score one for the suburbs! Today I got a two ounce shot of wheat grass and a carrot, beet, celery and mixed greens freshly squeezed juice.
I wish: I had my own juicer. I actually think I might have one, now that I am thinking about it.
I am totally, majorly obsessing over: My new washer and dryer. The latter broke and the former was on the fritz. Anyway, there's front-loading and they're heaven. The washer uses 65 percent less water. 65 percent! And both machines use less energy. In fact, somehow the clothes come out of the washer not as wet, so the dryer has less work to do, which equals less energy use. Also, there's no agitator on the dryer, so the quality of the clothes remains in tact. The ones we got were really not much more than the regular ones.
Being a mom means: Slowing down, even when you want to go, go, go.
Being a wife means: Having a strategy.
Being a business owner means: Also having a strategy.
Out of the mouths of babes: "You're welcome. It was no pleasure."
Today I ate: Mixed greens, carrot and beet drink for breakfast, spinach, strawberry, 1/4 avocado and sliced almonds topped with lemon juice and a drizzle of olive oil for lunch, protein shake with almond milk (good, low cal, low fat and even has a little fiber—and it's on the alkaline list) for snack. Dinner will be chicken or veggie burger with slightly steamed vegetables. Does menu totally rule or what? Mean and clean, people!
Today I drank: Hot water with lemon before I ate or drank, as it were, anything this morning, water with lemon all day and a half a cup of coffee with almond milk. I am allowing myself the treat of two cups of coffee per week and two alcoholic drinks per week.
Work was: Well, work still is and will be until at least 10 tonight, save the 5:30 to 7:30 break for dinner, bath and bed.
Today I learned: You have to know how to read the signs. Opportunity doesn't always come in a pretty package, but everything that comes your way, good and bad, is a chance to fulfill your dreams and attain your goals.
I am: A might bit speedy from the coffee. Loves it!
Tomorrow I will: Eat at well as I did today. It totally made all the difference in how I felt on all levels. Feeling good physically directly impacts your state of mind. And having a strong and clear state of mind allows you to be much more in tune with the universe and the divine order of things.

Monday, August 04, 2008

Daydream Believer

Wake up: 6:02 am
Slept for: I really, truly do not know. I don't remember getting into bed last night. I don't remember watching TV (which is how I usually know what time it is). I don't remember anything about last night, including getting ready for bed, even though I know I did. Strange.
First thought is: Good lord! I don't remember that either.
Baby is: Down for his morning nap.
This is: Glory, glory hallelujah. And I have the window open (it's right in front of my desk) so the heavenly breeze eases into and out of my office, reminding me that there's life outside of this screen.
Daughter is: At camp. She ran in today—quite a difference from a month ago. And she's wearing undies. She's been wearing undies only on her off days but I realized that it's time I—uh, I mean her—make the final transition.
This is: Nerve wracking...for me.
Man is: "Slightly to moderately less grouchy than yesterday."
This is: Good.
Goal for the day: Energy up!
Kabbalah says: "Tell your problems about the light." Meaning, we tell god/the universe/whatever you want to call it about our problems, but god knows. God gave us those problems to force us to rise to the occasion and grow and share and connect. God never gives more than we can handle either. So, flip it today: grasp a hold of your problems and tell them about the light, the good stuff, the reason, the truth. And maybe they won't be problems after that little talk.
First bananas thought: I am going to interview Madonna for THE FAMILY GROOVE.
Arrive at gym: 7:00
Workout is: Rarely as long as I'd like it to be but still worthwhile. 400 calories burned in 38 minutes. By the way, those calories counters are just estimations. Every person's body is different—different burning rates, different metabolisms, etc.—so there'd be no way for those machines to truly figure out what you burned.
Today's song is: Daydream Believer by The Monkees (My first crush—or maybe second because I did love Donnie Osmond—was on Mickey Dolenz. Why not Davy is the question.)
Best lyric is: "Daydream believer"
Best spam subject line: Charlize Theron new boyfriend
It's the best because: Who cares about Charlize's boyfriend?
I want: Some water. I haven't had any water yet today.
I love: Wheat grass juice. Do it, people. Life changing.
I wish: I had my wishes in order. I never know what I wish for.
I am totally, majorly obsessing over: Being alkaline. Major. It's major.
Being a mom means: Reading books at bedtime, even though you have three loads of laundry to do, five bottles to wash, two articles to rewrite and one blog to finish.
Being a wife means: Stopping typing when your man is telling you about his game.
Being a business owner means: PR
Out of the mouths of babes: "When will the clouds stop holding onto the moon?
Today I ate: Cleanly. Mostly alkaline foods except I did eat too much fish for dinner and whole wheat bread with my lunch and vinegar on my salad, so it might have put me over the 80/20 split.
Today I drank: Water and an acai and vanilla protein smoothie.
Work was: Work is.
Today I learned: That fantasies are actually mini movies of the future. I didn't really learn that today; I've always known it. Though I only recently understand how powerful that truth is. I used fantasize about things, down to the detail of what I was wearing, and then the opportunity would arise for me to make it happen and I couldn't believe how lucky I was that I got to put my daydream into play. It happens. So start daydreaming. Do it often and get down the nitty gritty details of it. It's just prep work for the future.
I am: Debating whether or not I should take the computer into bed and put on the TV while I work. It's not a smart idea, but I'll do it anyway. I've been in my office for over 12 hours today.
Tomorrow I will: Plant seeds. It's a good week to do some planting.

Friday, August 01, 2008

Burning Down the House

Wake up: 6:20 am
Slept for: Almost 7 hours
First thought is: I need to drink more water today.
Baby is: Laughing when Scarlett gets in trouble.
This is: The start of an interesting dynamic.
Daughter is: Taking hours to eat her breakfast. It's a control drama. It will pass I know, but it takes every ounce of patience and fortitude to not freak out at her and instead remain calm but stern.
This is: Tiring. I am actually tired from this morning's hour long misadventure.
Man is: Not looking so great. He just looks tired and worn out.
This is: From working too much, stress and eating too much sugar. That's going to stop.
Goal for the day: Do laundry, which is a big goal because my dryer broke again and so I have to do it at my mom's house, work and finish the cleanse, aka not eat for the fifth and final day.
Kabbalah says: Get rid of the word "should." It has nothing to do with intention and intention is key.
First bananas thought: I am going to majorly, totally clean every ounce of the kitchen—as thought in a most obsessive, this-has-to-be-done-so-I-can-breathe way.
Arrive at gym: 7:00 am
Workout is: Brief. I chatted with a friend on the way in, which ate up 5 minutes and I needed to be home by 7:35 at the latest to get Scarlett ready for camp. Sometimes 5 minutes makes a difference, though you have to think that there was a higher purpose to the 5 minute exchange that superseded the extra 5 on the Precor.
Today's song is: Burning Down the House by Talking Heads
Best lyric is: Watch out, you might get what you're after
Best spam subject line: No great line but great sender name: Yarbrough T. Willard.
It's the best because: It sounds a name Homer would make up for a detective.
I want: Grains and steamed vegetables. Seriously. This cleanse has kicked out all sugar and crap food cravings.
I love: That you can always start from one.
I wish: All of the evening's household to-dos were done. There should be someone who comes in at 5, feeds your kids, bathes them, reads to them, puts them to sleep and straightens up the house—not every night, but at least three. I guess that's kind of what grandparents do, maybe minus the cleaning.
I am totally, majorly obsessing over: The pile on the right-hand side of my desk. Bad feng shui! Bad!
Being a mom means: Getting up periodically to coax my son back to sleep.
Being a wife means: Fighting to keep your eyes open at 10:30.
Being a business owner means: Friday night meetings, per usual. Amy did the cleanse, too. She now looks 18.
Out of the mouths of babes: "Whatchu mean?" This is her new catch phrase. It's very Arnold.
Today I ate: Day five of the Blueprint Cleanse. I couldn't finish any of the drinks. I just couldn't stomach them. It wasn't the not eating that was difficult, it was drinking of the same six tonics day in and day out. It worked though. I look great. I am not sure how much weight I lost because I didn't weigh myself until Tuesday. I do know that I lost 4 pounds between Tuesday morning and Friday morning. It's actually relatively high in calories (1700 per day),so it's not necessarily designed for weight loss. It's more for real, hard core cleansing. I can totally see it in my face and skin. Bad digestion shows up on your face. My pores are invisible now and my skin is glowing. For real. And the best part is that I don't crave any bad foods. All I want is brown rice and steamed vegetables—and, man, how I want it!
Today I drank: 6 cleansing tonics, water, tea.
Work was: A blur.
Today I learned: You have to push yourself. Once you make the decision to push through, you'll have the energy to do it.
I am: Going to get the tea that's been sitting on my kitchen counter since 8, going to fold a basket of laundry that's been sitting next to my bed since Wednesday, going to find a new home for my pocket book innards (I threw out my purse. It was Prada and it was fab, but it had seen better days. It was way, way old and held too much energy now).
Tomorrow I will: Use a new purse. New purse. New energy.