Monday, March 10, 2008

Love is a Battlefield

Here's this week's Mama Says tip:

It's easy to be spiritual and love mankind when you're having a good day. But how do you act when you're having a not-so-good day?

Next time you're feeling off, under the weather or down and out, use it to push yourself to feel the love. It's in these moments of desperation, anger, boredom, fatigue and blah that you can actually grow the most.

Foster an attitude of gratitude, for everything in your life—large and small. And you’ll see how your outlook on life changes when you focus on the good and not harp about the not-so-good.

You've got to work at being the person you are supposed to be. It isn't always easy, but it's definitely worth it.

Try it today. I bet something miraculous comes of it.

For more good tips, go to

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