Wednesday, March 07, 2007

American Idiot

Can someone please tell me that I am not a total loser for watching American Idol?

Okay, so I know for many it heralds the imminent demise of western civilization, but for me, it's brilliant. Seriously, if I weren't so tired and impaired by the ringing of the day's requests for "or something else"—referring to Scarlett's request for something else to eat (say that one twenty times—it'll give you the same effect as spinning around)—I'd wax Seacrestian about why it's postmodern approach to entertainment is genius.

Anyway, it is one of my dirty little secrets—especially because I used to work in the music business and am a singer (or was a singer).

Boy, motherhood really makes you have no shame, huh?!

1 comment:

What to Get Your Woman said...

No worries, Mama. I'm fully obsessed too.....

Go Lakisha!