Thursday, July 10, 2008

Turning Japanese

Wake up: I don't quite think I went to sleep—maybe from 11:30-ish to 1:47 when Shawn came in and then Scarlett to follow, complete with kicks and tosses and turns. Marlon got up at 4 for some reason—or was it earlier. I really don't remember much about last night. I do know that I got up 6.
Slept for: Yeah. I just don't know.
First thought is: I'm so tired that I feel nauseous. I kind of like that feeling—there's a comfort in it, as it hearkens back to being young and never sleeping.
Baby is: Having a weird colic thing from 6 or 7 pm until he goes to sleep at 8-ish.
This is: Going to pass shortly, according to my pediatrician. It gives me empathy for moms who have severely colicky kids.
Daughter is: Sitting next to me at her desk, coloring and using her computer.
This is: Loud...and sweet.
Man is: God, this one always stumps me.
This is: I just don't know.
Emails to check: They were responded to with one eye open this morning. I have no idea how many there were—or how I answered them, for that matter. Lovely.
Goal for the day: Get work done.
Kabbalah says: Gold coins. Spiritually speaking, that's exactly what you receive every time you share.
First bananas thought: I am like the white Janet Jackson—minus the millions, the siblings and the dance ability. Seriously, this is a most bananas thought. I didn't even know what it meant when I was thinking it.
Arrive at gym: Worked out with Lori Sawyer ( at 7 am.
Workout is: Super—and hard. It doesn't matter how motivated you are or how much you (think you) know about working out; working out with a trainer is the best way to go.
Today's song is: Turning Japanese by The Vapors
Best lyric is: I want a doctor to take your picture
So I can look at you from inside as well

Best spam subject line: How the French stay so thin.
I want: A nap.
I love: The house when it's quiet.
I wish: We could take a vacation.
I am totally, majorly obsessing over: The decline of western civilization that is I Love Money. I caught the preview montage of the season at the end of the first episode. It's really, really bad. I mean, it's so bad that I am offended. It's an insult to the intelligence of anyone and everyone. I will, of course, watch it.
Being a mom means: Doing things properly—even when you want to half-ass them.
Being a wife means: Getting rid of the Alice Cooper mascara run-off from underneath your eyes—even though you could care less that it's there.
Being a business owner means: Sacrifice—much like the kind you make for your children.
Out of the mouths of babes: Oh, he's dead now (about one of her little koala bears)
Today I ate: Chicken breast (a portion the size of a deck of cards) and salsa for breakfast, brown rice sushi for lunch, whole wheat pasta (just one cup) and chicken for dinner.
Today I drank: Water.
Work was: Fine. I am having bouts of writer's block, but, over the years, I've learned how to push through them. I really have no choice. It's difficult to stay inspired and fresh when you are writing all the time but it's also a cool exercise to see how far you can challenge yourself. When you think you have nothing left give, you must persevere. You'll be amazed at how much more is really there. It's a good lesson for all aspects of life.
Today I learned: The lower the number on the bottom of the plastic bottles is, the easier the bottles are to recycle. Hence, if you are going to use plastic stuff, stick to bottles/containers that are a 4 or below.
I am: Not tired. Not awake. Not inspired. Not dull.
Tomorrow I will: Write. Edit. Write. Edit. Write. Edit. Write. Edit. Write. Edit. Write. Edit.

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