Sunday, July 08, 2007

Week Minded 5

Sunday, July 8:

The Workout
No 6:30 am today. Even though I was up, I just couldn't get it together to go—alcohol was still coursing through my veins. Waiting for Babe to return home from baseball game so I can go—looking forward to it greatly.

12:30 pm: Slight hangover is looming, but I decide not to let it stop me. Triceps, biceps, back, shoulders, 100 sit ups, 50 push ups, 30 minutes of cardio at level 4 (still).

The Food
8:30 am: One small organic spelt pancake, a dab of soy butter and dip of organic syrup. Three sips of coffee with rice milk. Worked through the litany of things I was craving: a pumpernickel bagel with lox and chive cream cheese; eggs with American cheese; anything but the things I could have. I methodically intellectualized my way through it though and immediately got over the craving.

11:39 am: Green tea. Not hungry at all.
Supplements: Tbsp of flax seed oil with Omegas 3, 6, 9, 4 ounces of live aloe juice, 2 ounces of prune juice.

1:30 pm: Starving. Should have grabbed a few almonds or something before I went to the gym. Apres workout: one cup of homemade chicken soup and grilled turkey, asparagus and brown rice (just a few forkfuls) from gym cafe. Water.

5:00 pm: Want chips. Eat five brown rice crackers and hummus. Don't want the chips anymore.

6:15 pm: Grilled chicken in Mediterranean marinade, half of a corn on the cob, tomato and arugula salad with splash of olive oil, balsamic vinegar and ground flax seeds. Water.

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